Monday, November 28, 2011

Finding Hope in the Silence: Advent Week 1

During this first week of Advent I am drawn to meditate on Psalm 62:5:

"For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him."

On this first week of Advent God calls us to "keep alert" and "beware" (Mark 13:33). The way we do this is to seek out God in the silence. Take some time out of each day this week to meet with God in the silence and experience God's hope.

Some wisdom from St. Theophan the Recluse:

"Everywhere and always God is with us, near to us and in us. But we are not always with [God], since we do not remember [God]...Take upon yourself this task--to make a habit of such recollection. Make yourself a rule always to be wit the Lord, keeping your mind in your heart, and do not let your thoughts wander; as often as they stray, turn them back again and keep them at home in the closet of your heart, and delight in converse with the Lord." (The Art of Prayer)

Here are some Scriptures for you to read each day to center yourselves as you listen to the voice of God.

Monday: Matthew 3:1-3
Tuesday: Isaiah 2:3-4
Wednesday: Romans 13:11-12
Thursday: Psalm 25:1-5
Friday: 1 Thessalonians 3:12
Saturday: Isaiah 64:8

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Prayer for Those Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse

In the recent light of the Penn State Investigations, my heart has been heavy for the victims of this case and victims everywhere who have suffered from and experienced sexual abuse. In my own life I have so many friends who have been affected by this type of abuse. It is one of the most damaging forms of abuse because it makes people question their very identity and it distorts the reality of the true meaning of love.

This prayer is for all those young men who have experienced sexual abuse and for victims everywhere:

Heavenly Father, you created us in your image, to bring glory to your name and to spread the love and grace of Jesus Christ. On this day, by the power of your Holy Spirit, warm the hearts of all of those who have experienced sexual abuse that they may know that you love them and that they are not alone in their sadness, depression, questioning, anger, and despair. Let them know that it is not your desire for any human to experience any kind of abuse or defilement.

Lord, use us as the body of Christ to surround all those who at this present moment cannot trust anyone, those who are numbing themselves by addiction or other dangerous outlets, those who have become hyper-sexualized in order to feel like they are in control, and those who are not able to be in healthy relationships because they are afraid that someone else will take advantage of them or abuse them. Great Physician, we know that it is only you who can heal our hearts because you are the only one who can love us the way that you intended. Help us to model your love to one another, and help us to hold all of those affected by sexual abuse in our prayers this day and always so that they may find healing and comfort in your presence.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.